Benefits of (TRT) Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Posted on: April 11, 2019 in Category: TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy
TRT is highly beneficial for those men of all ages who suffer from secondary hypogonadism. While under the care of a physician who follows multiple TRT-guidelines, TRT is both safe and highly advantageous for those men who suffer from low total testosterone blood levels due to secondary hypogonadism.

The benefits of TRT to a normal T level are:
- Reduction in all cause mortality
- Reduction in the incidence of metabolic syndrome as seen in men with cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes
- Reduction in the incidence of atherosclerotic disease associated with heart attacks and stroke
- Improved visceral lipolysis and weight loss
- Improved lean body mass and skeletal muscle mass
- Reduced incidence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, inflammation and hyperglycemia
- Improved insulin sensitivity and therefore lower blood insulin levels leading to reduced lipogenesis ( fat production)
- Reduced incidence of prostate cancer
- TRT May be employed in men who have undergone radical prostatectomy and those men under surveillance by adhering to STRICT guidelines and follow up.
- TRT reduces the incidence of lower urinary tract obstruction
- Improved erectile dysfunction and libido with chronic PDE-5 usage for those men with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction
- Improved self-awareness, energy, strength and memory
- Improved bone mineral density
TRT while undergoing lifestyle interventions which include nutritional support, diet management, both aerobic and resistance training, stress reduction, improvement in delta sleep is highly advantageous in improving men’s independence, self-confidence and sexual satisfaction.