Posted July 12, 2016 in Wellness Guide
Anti-aging therapy aims to reduce the rate at which excessive oxidative stress damages and ultimately kills the individual cells within the body. Reducing inflammation and improving overall immune health promotes anti-aging care by putting the body in the best condition for maximum care.
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Posted June 22, 2016 in Wellness Guide
Here is an age-old question when it comes to health and wellness: What is more important to your diet, the foods that you do eat, or the foods that you eliminate? For many people, diet is all about elimination. To focus on losing weight means to focus on cutting out foods that aren’t healthy for you. But the problem is that when you cut out foods without any regard to what you should be adding, you are setting yourself up for long periods of hunger and uncertainty.
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Posted June 15, 2016 in Wellness Guide
All too often losing weight feels like an uphill battle. As soon as you think you have something figured out, another obstacle steps in the way. Working with a medical weight loss doctor can help you to power through many of these daily struggles. Things like food choices and activity monitoring become a lot easier to manage when you have the support of your weight loss clinic behind you, supporting and guiding you about what step to take next. But even then there are times when issues will come up that you weren’t expecting. For many people, this includes bloat.
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Posted May 24, 2016 in Wellness Guide
Medical weight loss is not like other weight loss treatment options. Instead of using fad diets and quick diet fixes that lead to short term weight loss and increase your risk for potential health issues, medical weight loss programs are designed to fundamentally improve your health gradually while giving you the tools necessary to make long-term changes in your life, ultimately leading to a healthier lifestyle at a healthier weight level.
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Posted May 24, 2016 in Wellness Guide
The word fat is thrown around a lot, sometimes referring to a nutrient that is found in many of the foods we enjoy, other times to refer to body fat—or to the idea of being overweight altogether. It is one of those words that is highly associated with certain feelings. No one likes thinking of themselves as fat, and food companies have marketed their foods appropriately to make you think that buying something fat free means buying something that is good for you.
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