If you are bothered by or unhappy with fat under your chin, KYBELLA® might be right for you.
As we age or gain weight, fat can develop in various areas of the body, especially under the chin. Even with following a well-balanced diet and exercise routine, you may feel it is impossible to attain your desired results. While many patients think the only way to rid themselves of stubborn chin fat is through invasive procedures, there is a fast and painless solution. KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved, non-invasive injectable treatment used to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin, also known as a “double chin” or submental fullness. At Sand Institute, we make sure to provide our patients with the best care and treatments to help them achieve their aesthetic goals.
Benefits of KYBELLA®

Safe and Effective
KYBELLA® is deemed safe and effective for targeting submental fat and involves less risk and complications compared to liposuction.

Permanently Destroys Fat Cells
Unlike other cosmetic injections that only offer temporary fixes, KYBELLA® provides long-lasting results. This treatment permanently eliminates fat cells for good.

Minimal Recovery
While surgical procedures may require extensive time and recovery, KYBELLA® is performed on an outpatient basis in just one short treatment.

Results Without Surgery
KYBELLA® does not require any knives, scars, or anesthesia. Patients can achieve similar results to liposuction without ever going near an operating table or a hospital.
Sand Institute is here to help your Cosmetic, Antiaging and Health goals.
KYBELLA® Treatment Steps
Before you begin your treatment, you and your doctor will discuss your goals and medical history. It is important that you address all of your medical conditions, especially if you:
- Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
- Have had or have trouble swallowing
- Have had any cosmetic treatments in the face, neck, or chin
- Have any bleeding problems
- Plan on having surgery near the treatment area
KYBELLA® is made of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body that breaks down and absorbs fat. Once injected beneath the skin, it will destroy the fat cells and prevent them from accumulating in the treatment area. Multiple injections will be administered under your chin for maximum results.
Most patients will see visible results within two to four treatments. It can take up to six treatments spaced one month apart to see full results. KYBELLA® patients can expect permanent results that will boost their appearance and self-confidence.
Patients can return home and resume regular activities immediately following their treatment.
Side Effects
Although there is a chance of possible side effects (such as swelling, bruising, numbness, and bleeding), these are all temporary and will alleviate quickly after your treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a good candidate for KYBELLA®?
Am I a good candidate for KYBELLA®?
The best patients for KYBELLA® are in good health, have realistic expectations, and do not have any severe medical conditions, especially any infections in the treatment area.
How long does it take to perform KYBELLA®?
How long does it take to perform KYBELLA®?
Depending on the exact number of injections needed, your KYBELLA® treatment can take up to 20 minutes.
What is deoxycholic acid?
What is deoxycholic acid?
Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that breaks down the dietary fats in the gut, and it is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
Get In Touch
Sand Institute is here to help your Cosmetic, Antiaging and Health goals.Westwood Office
1964 Westwood Blvd., Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-441-2263
Paramount Office
16415 Colorado Ave., Suite 212
Paramount, CA 90723
Tel: 562-272-4277